Pigeon Lake Community Session

Completing a Claim Form in a safe and supportive environment can be an important step in your healing journey. The Federal Indian Day School Community Support program takes a trauma-informed approach to delivering free, one-on-one help with filling out or checking the status of your Claim Form.

The Community Support Program will offer one-on-one support services in Pigeon Lake (Alberta) at the Village Creek County Inn, September 14-15, 2021.


Community Support Sessions connect you with a personal Claims Assistant along with cultural, healing and legal supports.  


Preparing for Your Session

It is important for you to bring your photo ID with you to your session, to support your claim application. If you have a Claim Form or personal narrative that you have already started, please bring it with you so we can build on the work you have already done.

Preparation Checklist:

  1. Photo ID
  2. Claim Form and personal narrative (if you’ve started it)
  3. Face covering
  4. Support person

Acceptable forms of valid government-issued identification include:

  • Social insurance card
  • Driver’s license card
  • Provincial/territory photo card
  • Passport
  • Birth certificate
  • Old age security (OAS) identification card
  • Firearms possession and acquisition license (PAL)
  • Official military ID
  • Nexus card
  • Bring Your ID (BYID) card (age of majority card)
  • Permanent resident card
  • U.S. state ID
  • Certificate of Canadian citizenship
  • Indian status card
  • Certificate of Indian status (CIS)
  • Secure Certificate of Indian Status (SCIS)
  • Land claim beneficiary card (Inuit)

Please note that health cards are NOT acceptable forms of ID for privacy reasons. Membership cards issued by an organization, or cards issued by a city, municipality or region are also not acceptable forms of ID, as they are not issued by a state, provincial, territorial or federal government.

If you do not have any of the above forms of ID, you can fill out a Sworn Declaration at Part 6 of the Claim Form.

Health and Safety

We are carefully monitoring the COVID-19 regulations and circumstances. Our priority is to ensure your safety and comfort. During in-person community sessions, federal, provincial and community public health guidelines will be followed, and PPE will be worn by all program staff members. Disposable masks and hand sanitization will be available at all in-person sessions.

If sessions are cancelled due to COVID-19, our staff will work with your community to arrange alternative arrangements and ensure community members receive the support they need, in a safe manner. Alternative arrangements may include virtual delivery or a re-scheduled in-person session at a later date.

Our Community Support Team is available to answer questions about our service and assist with booking, changing or cancelling an appointment. You can call us at 1-877-515-7525 or email us at idscommunitysupport@argylepr.com.